Full Service Engineering, Procurement & Construction
We have complete EPC capabilities to get RNG to the market faster.

Our approach to EPC

We handle permitting, routing and compliance
Developing an RNG project from scratch requires time-consuming processes, including obtaining permits, securing financing, and constructing infrastructure. By partnering witha third-party provider like Steppe, RNG developers can avoid the hassle of these issues to focus on production.
We manage all aspects of construction
From engineering to labor to the procurement of materials and equipment, the Steppe team expertly manages every aspect of the construction of RNG pipelines.

Our expertise reduces downtime
Our specialized knowledge lets RNG developers know that they can expect efficient and compliant operations, reducing the potential for costly errors and delays in getting their gas to the marketplace.

Project Spotlight
Dairy Farm
Delco, ID
This is a project to convert landfill gas into renewable natural gas (RNG). The project is being developed by East Valley Development, LLC, and will have a maximum capacity of 3029 MMBtu. The RNG will be transported to a local distribution company via a 13.9-mile transmission line.
The project will be delivered in accordance with DOT Standards and regulations per 49 CFR 192. The project is scheduled to be completed in August 2024.
Steppe Scope
The scope of work for the project includes:
- Right-of-way acquisition
- Permitting
- Design
- Procurement
- Construction
- Ownership, operation, and maintenance